Mr. Nunnelee's
Smiling Musicians

After School Classes at
Clayton Elementary

Smiling Musicians was created by Barry Nunnelee to engage students in fun songs, musical games and movement to music.

These classes are for the student that enjoys music and wants to extend their musical experience. It is also for the student that would like to spend time with their friends in a fun and engaging way through music.

Mr. Nunnelee has 37 years experience as an music educator with a master's degree in music education. He has spent 17 years at Clayton Elementary School as a music educator prior to retiring in 2023.


1st - 3rd Grade only Tuesdays from 3:10 pm - 4:15 pm Session 1 September 3 - October 15 Session 2 October 29 - December 17 This group will work on songs to perform for the parents. They will sing age appropriate music in unison, rounds, and partner songs. They will also be singing seasonal and holiday songs as well as limited instruments and movements to accompany the songs


Kinder - 5th Grade Thursdays from 3:10 pm - 4:15 pm Session 1 September 5 - October 17 (No school Oct 3) Session 2 October 31 - November 12 This group will sing songs, learn dances, and play music games. They will also sing seasonal and holiday songs. There will not be a performance at the end of these sessions.



Click on "learn more" and then click on the link in the next page. This will take you to a google form for registration.

Learn More

Cost per session

Sessions are $180.00 Each time you sign up again, the cost is $10.00 cheaper!

How to pay

Please pay using Venmo @smilingmusicians1 or scanning the QR code above. Registration will not be complete until payment has been made.

If  you have a question or a concern please feel free to send an email.